
Marshall Student of the Month Award Ceremony

A young girl gives out high fives as she walks down the red carpet at the assembly.

Marshall Elementary held their second Student of the Month Award Ceremony of the 2023-2024 school year on September 29. This is a momentous event that applauds outstanding student behavior. Parents had the chance to witness their children walk down the red carpet, basking in the well-deserved celebration of their accomplishments. 

Marshall's Family Liaison, Sarah Riebe, says as the year goes on, students become more and more animated and outgoing, often dancing down the red carpet to the music!

Students earn Mustang PRIDE cards every day by demonstrating Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Diligence, or Excellence while at school and the cards are then collected and 10 are drawn during the ceremony. Students whose names are pulled win a Marshall backpack.

The ceremony coincided with a visit from 含羞草研究所 Unified's Governing Board President, Dr. Ravi Shah, who got a tour of the Marshall campus. 

Marshall Principal Emily Seuss and Governing Board President Dr. Ravi Shah smile in the hallway during his visit.

Marshall's principal offers a hug to a student receiving his award
A group of students hold their award certificates.
A boy smiles with his brand new backpack he just won!
A girl smiles as she heads up to the stage for her award.
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